The Importance Of Wisdom

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
1 Corinthians:1:24..

                 What is Wisdom?
   Wisdom is an acquisition we cannot do without if we want to fulfill the mandate of God for our lives.  One of the most serious problems we have in our present day is human pride,born out of the so-called abundant knowledge in science, research and technology. The more knowledge we acquire the cockier one becomes, both in spiritual and secular matters.
    Therefore, Knowing much is not equivalent to being smarter or having acquired wisdom. Wisdom is not the accumulation of knowledge, but knowing how to use experienced knowledge in a beneficial ways is what really make us wise.
       Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom (skilful and godly): and with all thy getting get understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation.].” Proverbs 4:7
    Vast majority of People ruin their lives with their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.
The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD. Proverbs:19:3.
   In my ministerial assignment. I have noticed that even God and the devil get blamed for many things that are not their fault. God has given us a tremendous gift along with His generous grace. it is called the gift of choice.
      Wisdom is the main thing and everything else is secondary. Once the principal thing is faulty everything else becomes faulty too. Get wisdom right and everything else will be right. Miss wisdom, miss every other thing. Every problem and crisis in life can be traced to a lack of wisdom. Foolishness is the result of a lack of wisdom. A man who lacks wisdom is a stranded man. Wisdom is what produces the way out and the know-how. Wisdom makes a man to think before he talks ,act or making choices.
    Our choices are determined by our mindset. What we know as well as what we don’t know. This is why the Word of God encourages us with all our getting to get an understanding. So that we will be able to count the cost of our decisions and determine our steps based on our projections.
The price and the cost of a thing are two different matters. The mortgage is the price of the house but the upkeep is the cost you will pay time and time again. The wedding is the price of a marriage but the maintenance of that relationship is the cost you will continually pay. 
      Wisdom is the principle thing needed to make all decisions in life.
It is wisdom that gives you good
common sense,
insight and strength...
       These are the seven pillars Wisdom built her house on and these things helped it to stand.  
      Before God created anything He created Wisdom because wisdom was needed to establish all things.    This is why there is safety in a multitude of sound council. And it is stated that a fool despises correction.

Let's examine some importance of wisdom.
   Wisdom will add years to your life. if you become wise you will benefit, but if you despise wisdom you will suffer.
For by me (wisdom) thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased..Proverbs:9:11.
    This is why I love the Word of God. He promised to be a lamp unto our feets and a light on our path. The word of God is relevant and will instruct us in the way that we should go. A path that leads us to the desire of our heart. Victory in every area of your lives. When we embrace His Wisdom we will find life and favor. but those who miss it injure themselves and suffer the death of the very things they longed for.     
      Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.
Exalt her, and she ( Wisdom) will promote you
She ( Wisdom) will bring you honor when you embrace her.
She (Wisdom) will place on your head an ornament of grace;
A (Wisdom) crown of glory she will deliver to you. (Proverbs 4:7-9)
    In this new month, make a deliberate choice to embrace wisdom.
   "Wisdom may not always look attractive at the onset but it will give you the greatest joy in the end.."

I wish you a fulfilled new month.  
     MOUNTAINS shall fall before you and DIVINE FAVOUR  shall release your GOOD RESULT without LABOUR. Amen.

                  Quick Notice
This ministry is reaching out to the unreached through the Gospel of Christ Jesus. We want to embark on a special 3months air program to spread the good news as a way to fulfill the mandate of the mission.   
      We need your FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for the success of the program. Willing heart should please reach us through +2347032851197 or peacevictor705@yahoo.com for details.

     Keep contacting us for prayers and counseling.
  love you all.
Once again, HAPPY NEW MONTH.

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