Never you doubt that a small group of people with an organized system of thought can change the world. This is a picture of the original model that Jesus brought to the earth, if he is our prototype he set the precedence for following him to use the same pattern of laws and principles he used to cause a revolution on the earth.
In Mathew 10, All he needed was 11 good seeds to reproduce after his kind that could be sown into the world causing the gospel of the kingdom to reap a harvest after its kind. He only needed three years to take an unlikely group of people who were frustrated with life, he invested the seed of the kingdom that would reproduce the seed after its kind in people all over the world.
Isaiah 9:6..…Unto us a child was born but a son was given, the difference was Jesus converted his disciples into sons, you cannot sow a child into the spheres of life for they won’t stand and meet the enemy at the gates. Jesus was certain who he was going to change his disciples into, a nobody to a somebody that would be able to subdue the world to Christ. He started his ministry at 30 years old he didn’t need thousands of followers to pass on the DNA of the same seed, all he needed was a few committed men who he was sure they would bear the fruits of the kingdom. John 15:1-7
Big is small in the kingdom of God, we can see this in the parable of the mustard seed, which is the smallest seed that grows into the largest tree....Mathew 5:19.. A sign that you have a ministry after the original is if you are able to reproduce yourself in those who follow you. We don’t see this pattern in large crowds as they are coming with different motives and intents, therefore, the seed that falls on that ground cannot produce after its kind.
The seed to the tree principle is what we see in the message of the kingdom that Jesus sowed into his disciples. Jesus was full of assurance he could leave his disciples behind after three years as he knew exactly what type of seed he had sown into them, he knew the seed would bear the same content of value that was hidden inside.
John 8:32....You cannot sow religion and expect to reap sons of the kingdom. When you know exactly the type of seed your sowing and the soil that you sow into is a fertile ground that is continually watered it will reap a harvest after its kind, that is why Jesus was particular with the way his disciples would hear. There were times Jesus would get so frustrated with his disciples, in one instance in John 24:8...Phillip said “Lord show us the father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered “Don’t you know me, Phillip, even after I have been with you for such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the father.” Jesus always tested his disciples by asking questions to reveal their level of understanding. The only limitation we have is the mind that is why we must have an ear that hears and meditate on the word so that it will not fall away. ....James 1:22.....
Luke 8:5.... Reveal the reason the farmer who sows the word into the soil of different hearts doesn’t reap a return is because those who after hearing the word preached are distracted and immediately the word is snatched from them.
They are sidetracked by life, as soon as they leave church social media calls, the telephone rings, their children demand attention, or they go out to lunch and talk about completely different topics than what had just been sown into them and the word is lost, it wasn’t digested to take root and bring forth 30, 60 or 100-fold harvest. Jesus didn’t let this happen to his disciples, he was always testing their comprehension and explaining parables so that they would grasp the word that they had heard to receive it in their hearts. This gives explanation to why there is only a 2% return on a 100% ratio of sowing seeds of the kingdom, the sower that sows the seed must teach his follows how to make the word become flesh and not let it be stolen by distractions there is nothing more precious that the enemy wants to steal than the word to take root and produce a harvest. There are all sorts of distractions that grab the attention of people that is why you will see churches with large crowds who are not effective.... Micah 6:8
The same seed that Jesus sowed into his disciples is the same seed the farmer of the word went out to sow if we have the exact seed after its kind. If the seed is falling on the stony ground it can’t take root, this is when the seed is falling on a word that had previously been sown stopping the seed of the kingdom being able to penetrate the heart....John 13:1-17... That is why it’s of the greatest importance we check the concepts we are hearing are in accurate alignment with the original seed that Jesus sowed into his disciples....If a concept is not in alignment with the same as the standard of God you will always be out of alignment to the word.
Romans 12:1-3...Another reason why the seed never penetrates the heart is because people have a shallow minded attitude to the word. They don’t take it seriously, they hear and are excited at the revelation word but within a short while the seed falls away because they didn’t take the time to remove the stones that are blocking the seed from taking root. You have to go over the word again and again, the one who is diligent to make sure the seed is buried deep in their heart and is consistently watered is the one who will bear fruits.
Life is given to everyone as a demonstration of God’s trust. – Sunday Adelaja
If the seed is kingdom DNA, the problem is not with the quality of seed, the problem is always with the hearer and how he hears. If the seed is sown on thorny ground this is one who is overwhelmed at the cares of life or the deceitfulness of riches has strangled the good seed from bearing fruit.
Cultivating a harvest after like kind can only happen when the one who receives the seed of the kingdom is diligent to mediate upon that word for at least three hours after hearing, he is thinking on it in his spirit and going over it again and again he is not letting the seed be stolen. That is the enemy’s number one strategy is to steal the word away from your heart, that is why the bible says the birds of the air came and took the word, this is when people get distracted, it’s the only way Satan can stop the spread of the kingdom of God taking root and being able to be reproduced into others.
There is nothing we want to be more diligent about is making sure we have ears to hear and we meditate on the word and we don’t allow distractions to steal the word away from our hearts.
This is why the farmer who is going out to sow the seed is not getting a return because the hearers are not allowing the word to go through the process to make sure it is planted deep and constantly watered. If we are sowing seed after the original the same pattern of thoughts that Jesus brought we will sow the kingdom of God which is the mustard seed to become the greatest tree of all.
Isaiah 1:19...All you need is a small group of people who are committed, you don’t need the crowds this is how multiplication happens. If you have a church with one thousand people that are hearing the word but no one is being reproduced into a son that will go out into the world and be sown into his land of promise then we aren’t sowing the kingdom seeds after like kind.
That was why Jesus was so successful he had to be sure they would be on the move not stagnant in one building that never would cause a reproduction of the seed to go out into all the world making disciples of all nations.
Jesus didn’t need even 20 people, it’s investing all of the same concepts that are in the mind of God into your disciples you can be sure of the power of the word as it is the word that produces fruit after its kind.
If we are not producing those who are raised up to be leaders in their own land of promise then it’s a failure, Jesus was never about building a large ministry he was interested in subduing the world when people are only interested in building a large ministry and not sending people out to their promise land, they are guided by self-interest and have the wrong model.
We have churches full of human resources those people are capable of bringing a large number of people to the kingdom when they are sown into their land of promise.
When we are building after the pattern that Jesus brought we will be interested in making sure the people that you reach will have the same concepts that are capable of changing the world. John 14:1-14
Written by Rochelle White.
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